본문 바로가기

6. With IT/6.2 NDK

JNI & NDK 설치

1.Download NDK

„  go to Android Development site and download

„  NDK & SDK

„  http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html

„  go to Cygwin site and download

„  http://cygwin.com/install.html

2. Install(Cygwin)

„  1. Choose A Download Source

„  Install from Internet

„  2. Select Root Install Directory

„  to use as a root(Z:Coding\’cygwin’)

„  3. Select Local Package Directory

„  to store the installation files

„  4. Select Your Internet Connection

„  Direct Connection

„  5. Choose A Download Site

„  Choose a site

„  6. Select Packages

„  Devel

„  gcc-core : C compiler

„  gcc-g++ : C++ compiler

„  make

„  Editors

„  vim

„  7. Some pakages depend on what you’ve chosen will be selected

„  8. Install

2. Install(NDK)

„  1. Install SDK

„  2. Install NDK inside cygwin home directory

„  (Z:\Coding\cygwin\home\scott\’android-ndk-r5b’)

3. Example1 – C

„  1.Make a Android project inside cygwin folders

„  (Z:\Coding\cygwin\home\scott\’ppp’)

„  2. Make a JNI folder at ppp

„  3. In JNI folder, make 2 files

„  (Android.mk, hello.c)

„  Android.mk

„  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

„  include $(CLEAR_VARS)

„  LOCAL_MODULE    := hello //module name

„  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello.cpp //C file name


„  3. In JNI folder, make 2 files

„  (Android.mk, hello.c)

„  hello.c

„  #include <string.h>

„  #include <jni.h>

„  jstring

„  Java_com_android_ppp_ppp_hello(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz)

„  //(Java_pakage name_class name_method name)

„  {

„  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Hello from JNI C!!!");

„  }

„  3. Open cygwin and go to the root project

„  /home/scott/ppp

„  4. Compile

„  $ ~scott/android-ndk-r5b/ndk-build

„  ( or to use as an easy way, add the path ‘android-ndk-r5b’ then $ ndk-build)

„   You can see ‘libhello.so’ file in libs folders

„   „   

„  5. Add a code in ppp.java

„  package com.android.TestSimple;

„  import android.app.Activity;

„  import android.os.Bundle;

„  import android.widget.TextView;

„  public class TestSimple extends Activity {

„  public native String hello();

„  static{

„  System.loadLibrary("Test");

„  }

„      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

„          super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

„          TextView tv = new TextView(this);

„          tv.setText(hello());

„          setContentView(tv);

„      }

„  }

„  6. Run Android

4. Example2 – C++

„  3. In JNI folder, make 3 files

„  (Android.mk, Application.mk, Test.cpp)

„  Android.mk

„  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

„  include $(CLEAR_VARS)

„  LOCAL_MODULE    := hello //module name

„  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello.cpp //C file name


„  Application.mk

„  APP_STL                 := stlport_static

„  3. In JNI folder, make 3 files

„  (Android.mk, Application.mk, Test.cpp)

„  hello.c (#ifdef추가, env부분 수정)

„  #include <string.h>

„  #include <jni.h>

„  #include <iostream>

„  using namespace std;

„  #ifdef __cplusplus

„  extern "C"{

„  #endif

„  jstring

„  Java_com_android_TestSimple_TestSimple_hello( JNIEnv* env,jobject thiz)

„  {

„            return (env)->NewStringUTF("Hello

„                                           from JNI C++!!!");

„  }

„  #ifdef __cplusplus

„  }

„  #endif

„  3. Open cygwin and go to the root project

„  /home/scott/TestSimple

„  4. Compile

„  $ ~scott/android-ndk-r5b/ndk-build

„  ( or to use as an easy way, add the path ‘android-ndk-r5b’ then $ ndk-build)

„  5. You can see ‘libhello.so’ file in libs folders


„  4. Add a code in ppp.java

„  package com.android.ppp;

„  import android.app.Activity;

„  import android.os.Bundle;

„  import android.widget.TextView;

„  public class ppp extends Activity {


„    public native String hello();                    // add a native function

„    static{                         // to loadLibrary

„               System.loadLibrary("hello"); // native C file name

„    }


„      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

„          super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

„          TextView tv = new TextView(this);

„          tv.setText(hello());

„          setContentView(tv);

„      }

„  }

„  4. Run Android


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